Story of D.I.Y in conversation

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Join us for an early evening of conversations followed by live music performances! 

We will be exploring the narrative behind the STORY of D.I.Y., an exhibition which captures the music heritage in Yeovil from the 1970s onwards.   

The conversation panel will include Criss Cole (Bikini Mutants), Alan Flint (Feeding The Fish) and Simon Barber (The Chesterfields / Electric Broom Cupboard). 

One-off live performances from Simon Chesterfield with more acts soon to be confirmed.

FREE event, but booking is essential.

Click here to book.

Yeovil Art Space
Unit 13-15
Vicarage Walk
Quedam Shopping Centre
United Kingdom
BA20 1EU
Start Date:
4th Nov 2023 at 15:00
End Date:
4th Nov 2023 at 19:00
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